A not-for-profit association offering its DIY Solar technique for producing low-cost solar panels.
It allows people in developing countries to have low-cost solar alternatives to expensive throw-away dry cells and dangerous wick lamps.
A photo from Ghana sent by an NGO after testing the DIY Solar technique on their radios. Accompanying letter inside.
This technique allows solar panels to be cheap enough to become affordable to quite poor people. The cost can be so low that considerable savings can be made in just a few weeks by replacing dry cells and paraffin. |
Above all, it allows deprived people the possibility of becoming enterprising and not having to rely on hand-outs! |
To get a brief summary of the possibilities, click on the blue titles in the following text which explores this project through the actions of a small progressive rural farmer who has just received her first DIY Solar order.
Starting a DIY Solar business
When the order arrives her first need is to learn about the
Assembly of DIY Solar Panels which cost only the equivalent of a few weeks supply of dry cells for any radio. The solar plates are 'glass' which need leads attaching as shown in the illustrated leaflets with the kit and are used initially for the
Solar Converting of Radios without batteries. The two leads go into the battery compartment of a radio where they replace the batteries, while the sun shines.
Later she obtains NiCd Rechargeable Cells which go into the radio battery compartment or in a Solar Charger so that they can power the set at night and dry cells are no longer needed at all.
She decides that Solar-converting Appliances might prove a useful addition to her income and she orders more solar materials including NiCd battery holders for charging cells used in torches. She also asks for information about
Solar-converting Local Lamps as she has seen small fluorescent torches in a nearby town.
When her solar materials, etc arrive she learns about the possibility of
DIY Solar Pumping and knowing of the problems in a local village with their small shallow wells, she wonders whether she could construct the DIY Solar Array necessary for the power needed.
All she requires comes in an Information Pack which includes local contacts, NGOs, purchasing, etc.
Finding out more about DIY Solar Power
If you wish to know more send us your postal address stating what interests you most from these following topics: DIY Solar panel assembly, solar radio, starting a DIY Solar Third World business, solar lamps, solar pumping. We will send you an Information Pack and sample panel so you can decide what next to do! |
Latest News
1.The first NGO to sell panels made from DIY Solar materials is in Uganda.
2. We now have a volunteer in Kenya and Uganda helping start small enterprises.
Last updated November 2000
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